Provide Health & Safety Plans for All Farm Types
AgSafe NZ specialises in farm consultancy, including safety plans for a wide range of rural businesses. Our experience in farm ownership, farm consultancy services, and the law allow us to understand the rural sector and prepare business specific policies for the industry.
We have prepared plans for dairy & drystock farms, rural contractors, specialist horticultural and livestock units and other rural businesses.
AgSafe will tailor farm consultancy services to the individual businesses taking notice of the hazards and the particular circumstances relating to the individuals involved.
Our plans and policies are developed from a standard questionnaire completed on the first farm (or business) visit.
Health and Safety Guide
your guide to health and safety made easy

• Farm ownership & operation
• Land owner
• Share farmer/Lessee
• Farms Statistical information
• PCBUs and Farm staff
• Documentation
• Hazard Identification
• Contractors
• Motorised Plant & Equipment
Health & Safety Plans for Contractors and Other
The Act requires parties to co-operate when working in a business. An agricultural contractor will have their own policy and their own hazard management system. It does need to be compatible with the business where they are operating.
The farmer should be satisfied that the contractor has a policy that they can work with and vice-versa.
For a contractor to read and analyse every farmers policy documents and for the contractor to make available to the farm owner full copies of the their policy documents is simply impracticable and we are able to analyse the policies of both and provide a document for the contractor summarising the contractor's policy as it may affect the farmer where they can provide an independent review. Our review reports on the main issues which are of course around training and the skill of the operator.

Manage the Farmers Compliance
A farm business with less than 19 employees is not required to have a designated Health & Safety officer, but it important to have someone to bring Health & Safety issues to the business for consideration.
There is a need to have someone to undertake the review of procedures and processes if there are accidents. The completion of reports for WorkSafe following incidents/accidents is a specialist task especially if prosecutions are possible.
We can be that person and we will be there for your business.
Manage Incidents and Accidents
To be safe and to stay safe requires employers and employees to record incidents. Recording an incident often goes a long way to solving the problem or the reason the incident occurred. Managing an incident or an accident will assist in the elimination or at the least minimizing the situation reoccurring in the future. It is good to know what led to the accident and understand what needs to be done in the future.
Accident and Reporting Forms:
• Notification of Circumstances of Accident
• Accident investigation form
• Accident & Incident register
GPS Mapping
Accurate farm maps are important for farm safety. Maps can be used to identify the locations of hazards, “no-go” areas, and areas where the contractors are to work.
Directing staff to undertake tasks in specific areas or to shift stock to other paddocks is part of the daily activities on the farm. With an accurate map everyone should know where the stock are going or the tasks to be undertaken are.
Call us for a quote to have an accurate GPS generated map prepared for your property. We can include as many or a few features you require.
General Farm Consultancy Services
We provide farm consultancy services on both casual and a long term basis. The principal James (Jim) Findlay has had over 40 years of consultancy experience across much of NZ.
Farm consultancy is a business that is multifaceted and involves with more than just the day-to-day farming activities, but often becomes the family confidant as the consultant is often the only independent professional who visits the farm business and meets the whole family.
We can assist with:
- Financial budgets and account analysis
- Feed budgets and feeding plans
- Fertiliser recommendations and effluent budgets
- Farm business plans and farm purchase
- Full farm supervision, planned management visits and casual consultations
- Staff employment and job descriptions